Ropeway, Gondola, and Cable Car Accessible Mountains | HIKES IN JAPAN

Ropeway, Gondola, and Cable Car Accessible Mountains

Some mountains in Japan have ropeways, gondolas, or cable cars either at ski resorts or for general tourist use.

Even with mountains about 2000 meters high, this access makes reaching the summit easier. You can often get a discount if you purchase a round trip ticket, but using one-way tickets can help you access a wider range alpine trails and explore the natural scenery around the mountain.

In some locations using the facilities on different peaks can even help with extended treks and traverses. While lifts provide an element of convenience, once they stop for the day, you're stuck. Make sure you know what time the last one runs beforehand.

“Ropeway, Gondola, and Cable Car Accessible Mountains” featured on this site are as listed below.


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